Brad is the coolest mascot in the MASL. How does he stay cool? Riding the waves of Lake Michigan, kicking around the soccer ball at Bradford Beach and polishing The Milwaukee Wave’s 7 Championship trophies through the years!

Occupation: Professional Mascot
Why did you choose this line of work? Who wouldn’t?! Hanging with fans, watching soccer, and cheering on the 7 time champs!
Why the number 84? 1984 was our inaugural season!
Favorite Mantra: BLACK AND YELLOW!
Describe a typical "game day": Stretch session at the beach. Then I get my boots polished, hair styled and I’m off to the pitch! Celebrating with the fans and pumping up the team for victory!

Is there a special meaning behind your name? Other than the fact that I spend a lot of time on BRADford BEACH on the shores of Milwaukee, I can’t think of anything…
What were you doing before taking this job? Waxing my surfboard and playing hacky sack with the locals!
What's the most rewarding aspect of your career? Spending time with the fans. Nothing brings me more joy than taking pictures and giving high fives!
What's the most challenging part? Keeping my beautiful hair in place. It’s quite the upkeep!
How did you get your foot in the door? A shimmy, step over, and a scissors got me straight to the front office!
What does it really take to make it and succeed in this career? A strong passion for the team, city and state. Riding the waves of emotions and keeping a positive attitude.
Describe one of the best moments you've had on the job: Holding up our last championship trophy in front of the fans! Incredible!
What's the hardest part of the day? The hardest part of every day is being mistaken for a mechanical bull. People think they can just hop on whenever they please.
Do you have a goal for this season? Cheering on the Milwaukee Wave in hopes for their 8th title in their franchise history!

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